In 1958, Frances McGlannan set out on a now historical quest into the world of the child with specific reading/language-based learning difficulties, into the world of DYSLEXIA. As a result of her pioneering vision and research the McGlannan School was founded in 1964.
McGlannan School is an accredited private school in Miami, Florida, that serves students challenged by dyslexia and related language-based learning differences in 1st through 8th grade. We utilize our specialized techniques and unique school structure to meet the needs of the whole child. Our goal is to prepare our students to successfully mainstream at the appropriate time while fostering self-esteem and maximizing academic potential.
McGlannan School provides its teachers with specialized training using the McGlannan Method. We offer small teacher-to-student ratios with students grouped by similar levels and needs. McGlannan offers a supportive and collaborative teaching environment where teachers and administration work as a team for the benefit of our students. All parent communication is handled by administration allowing teachers to focus primarily on meeting the needs of their students.